Watching This on TV Boosts Wellness

We don’t often hear that watching TV is a health-promoting activity. Actually, just the opposite. We are often told to cut back or limit TV time.. Well I came across this recent research that focuses on a specific type of content that has been found to have health benefits.

Man watching TV, lying on sofa, legs on table. Person holding remote control in living room

Turns out that watching sports has been found to have health benefits! This is sure to make my youngest son in particular very happy! The only sports I watch regularly are Mets games during baseball season. Considering their record recently, I’m not altogether sure watching them is so good for my health.

Be that as it may, there were three studies done in Japan that revealed watching sports triggered feel-good emotions (happiness and pleasure), provided opportunities to connect with others and those who regularly watched sports showed higher gray matter volume in those areas of the brain associated with reward and pleasure.

Obviously if you don’t enjoy sports or watching them makes you anxious or angry, then this is not the best activity for you. As a lifelong Mets fan I can say that I am a more resilient person and while I enjoy watching baseball, there are plenty of times when a game gets out of hand that I just change the channel and watch something else. But if you get too upset, then that might not be the best choice for you.

So watching sports can not only boost mood but also have long term positive effects on brain structure.

Does it surprise you to know watching sports is now believed to boost well-being?

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About amusico

I am a holistic health coach and independent nutritional consultant. All my coaching plans are based on my 3-D Living program and a big part of that are the Youngevity Products and Supplements I proudly offer! Visit my website at and learn more about the products and my coaching plans!
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8 Responses to Watching This on TV Boosts Wellness

  1. Debbie W. Wilson says:

    and, I’ll be sharing this with my husband and son. They love all kinds of sports.

  2. dlyaw says:

    Yes! Finally something my husband does that contributes to his health !

  3. Holly Scherer says:

    It does surprise me. I thought you were going to say comedy. Very interesting indeed.

  4. JD Wininger says:

    I watch TV for one hour, at most, per week, on Sunday mornings. It’s not sports shows, but it’s good for my spiritual health. 🙂 Thanks for sharing Ms. Ann. All those years watching football, golf, NASCAR (Look! He’s making a left turn!), and basketball weren’t completely wasted.

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