Weight Loss: Early Bird Advantage

Exercise, whenever you are able to do it, is a good thing. Some people prefer exercising first thing in the morning and others prefer later in the day. I always recommend opting for first thing whenever possible because that way nothing that comes up during the day can change the plan. That’s one of my suggestions in Today is Still the Day and it is my preference as well. However, if you like working out after work, go for it!

I did a post not long ago on how working out early in the day may be more cancer protective. You can read it here. According to this 10-month study, exercising earlier in the day (between 7 am and noon) was found to be more effective for weight loss. The study compared those early birds, to those who preferred to exercise later in the day (between 3 and 7 pm) and sporadic exercisers who switched around their sessions.

The study results showed weight loss was significantly greater in both the early exercisers and sporadic exercisers. The researchers concluded that timing of exercise sessions may be important for weight loss. Since obesity is epidemic in our country, perhaps this is an important piece of the puzzle many are overlooking.

Evidently timing really is everything – even when it comes to exercise.

When is your preferred time to exercise?

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About amusico

I am a holistic health coach and independent nutritional consultant. All my coaching plans are based on my 3-D Living program and a big part of that are the Youngevity Products and Supplements I proudly offer! Visit my website at http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com and learn more about the products and my coaching plans!
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8 Responses to Weight Loss: Early Bird Advantage

  1. JD Wininger says:

    While my day starts with exercise, it’s not the physical kind. 🙂 I start with devotions, prayer, and study. Actually, I start with two glasses of water, then several cups of coffee. 🙂 My physical exercise routine normally starts at sunrise, with livestock feeding and chores. It continues through most of the day. When I was working in an office, I can’t say I always exercised each morning (my wife and I used to hit the gym before work each morning, then she retired). At work, I would always try to get up and walk around, or at least to stretching exercises at my desk. Great post ma’am.

    • amusico says:

      I begin my day as you do – water and prayer! Then exercise and getting started with the activities of the day. Sounds like you still
      have always had an active life and certainly still do my friend. Thank you for sharing with me!

  2. Holly Scherer says:

    I’m sporadic but that morning data might make me rethink it. Thank you for sharing these studies and your wisdom.

  3. debwilson2 says:

    I think it makes me feel good when I get out earlier. But I tend to take my walks in the evening. Thanks for this info. I’ll try to incorporate it!

  4. annieevadnesmith says:

    Great post as usual Ann. Thank you..I am an early bird when it comes to exercising. God bless you. Love always❤️

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