Guest Post: Purposeful Pathway Biz Tip: Business Journaling

Business Journaling by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Coaching


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Purposeful Pathway is a haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. It is a journey in which faith and business gracefully intertwine. It is a pathway paved with purpose, peace and passion. The posts provide insights for faith-based business and also inspiration for the spiritual journey. My hope is that, in reading, your businesses will grow and your lives will be enriched. My prayer is that these messages will allow God’s peace, love and joy to pave your purposeful pathways.

Part of my mission is equipping faith-based businesses with information that is practical, actionable and Scriptural. An activity that has helped me tremendously in my business is journaling.

I have always been a journaling aficionado; writing is a powerful medium for sorting through feelings, marking progress, crystallizing lessons learned in day, meditating on God’s Word and contemplating His call in our lives. Yet only last year did I consistently journal in relation to my business. And such a blessing it has been!

For example, I journal in order to:

1.      Brainstorm about marketing and product ideas. When we are in the midst of activity during the business day, we can experience a stifling of our creativity. Journaling in the morning, before the rush of the activities, stimulates creativity in a sacred space. This is where the ideas for marketing, products and other business ventures stream freely!

2.      Sort out ideas triggered by an email, conversation or situation that occurred during the day. Switching from activity mode to contemplative thinking can put a “drag” on the momentum of a busy work day. Yet sometimes things arise that require our contemplation; it behooves us to think through these things, even if not at the moment they arise. I write down the topics, concerns or questions in my journal at those moments, and these serve as “fodder” for my journaling for the next day.

3.      Work through problems. When we are busy with our business, we simply do not have time to mull over a problem or challenge. Sometimes, of course, we have no choice. In the events where I can postpone the contemplation, I take note of the challenge(s). I then journal about the challenge(s) when I have a peaceful space to do so (generally the next morning).

4.      Vision and dream for tomorrow. The journal a phenomenal forum for planting seeds and dreams for tomorrow. When we savor a peaceful space, we can hear God’s whisper and see the visions He has placed on our hearts.

5.      Step back. Overview is the fifth step of the Live-on-P.U.R.P.O.S.E. process. Often, however, it is hard to step back when we are moving quickly in activity. Journaling gives us the precious space to step back and contemplate our goals, activities and results. We can review all of these and then make necessary adjustments along the way. This is powerful for goal achievement and business growth.

6.      See God in my business. Journaling is a wonderful way of seeing God’s hand and guidance in our businesses. We can look back on previous entries and see how He has orchestrated events, connections and inspirations in His perfect timing.

7.      Consecrate my businesses to God. Daily we can commit, in written word as well as in prayer, our lives and our businesses to God. There is power in the written word; as we physically write words, these very words etch themselves on our hearts and in our minds.

In our journaling and in all our business activities, God is always front and center. “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” Deuteronomy 8:18

If you are not journaling specifically for your business, I encourage you to try it. I think you will find it is a valuable tool. The list above is not comprehensive, and I would love to hear your thoughts too. How do you – or would you – use journaling in your business?

·         What are some challenges and victories you have encountered in journaling?

·         How has journaling helped you in serving God, family, friends and clients?


Mourning for the victims, for their families and for the city of Boston.

Sharing a Poetic Prayer:

Prayer for Boston Poem by Caroline Gavin of Purposeful Pathway Coaching

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Prayer for Boston

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33


Heavy are our hearts,

How they ache you,

Wanting to believe

This tragedy not to be true.


Please know in our prayers

You are, you will be,

Each and every victim,

And every family.


Cheerful were the cries

As runners ran the race,

Yet who would know the terror

All would soon face?


May the tears we shed

And the many prayers we raise

Bring comfort to you

As gentle sunrays.


May God’s eternal arms

Wrap you with His peace

As the horror of the day

Your soul does release.


In God’s eternal heart

Please find peace and rest,

Knowing He works all things,

Even this, for best.


Those who planned this,

For you we also pray

That you may repent

And follow God’s way.


Yes, many prayers we lift,

Many tears we now shed

For those we lost,

For those who bled.


Lord, help us now,

Help us to see Your love,

Let us embrace Your mercy

Streaming from above.


Heal Boston’s wounds,

Restore her sweet joy,

Remove fear from all:

Man, woman, girl, boy.


For a race we run

One leading to eternal treasure,

And in Your presence

We find peace without measure.


You are our only hope,

Our portion for eternity,

So please bless every victim

And every family.


Yes, heavy are our hearts,

And we lift them to You,

Please heal Boston and her people

With Your love true.


© 2013 Caroline Gavin

My heart aches for all the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy.

We shed our tears and lift our prayers for you.

May God’s perfect peace bring you comfort, healing and hope.

CarolineCaroline Gavinis a Christian Business Coach, Speaker, Author and Radio Host. As a Christian Business Coach and the Founder of Purposeful Pathway, she helps faith-based entrepreneurs pave their vocational paths, live with purpose and walk with God’s way. With years of experience in the financial and real estate industries, Caroline blends her passion for God, her financial expertise and her business acumen to create phenomenal results for her clients. She helps them to attract their own ideal clients, powerfully package services and systematize efforts so they can enjoy fun, fruitful and profitable businesses! Refresh with her poetry and glean practical wisdom from her Biz Tips at Connect with Caroline on Google+, Facebook and listen to her shows on Purposeful Pathway Radio. Contact her via for a free Christian Business Coaching Consultation.Also, enjoy a 7-week transformational journey: take the “Journey to Joy” free at


About amusico

I am a holistic health coach and independent nutritional consultant. All my coaching plans are based on my 3-D Living program and a big part of that are the Youngevity Products and Supplements I proudly offer! Visit my website at and learn more about the products and my coaching plans!
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6 Responses to Guest Post: Purposeful Pathway Biz Tip: Business Journaling

  1. Ann, it is an honor to share on your inspirational site! Thank you for the opportunity. God’s blessings and my gratitude…always!

  2. Dawn Herring says:

    Thanks so much for having Caroline as your guest!

    I simply love your mulit-faceted journaling approach for the business dimension of our lives, which can often overlap and weave into other facets as well, which journaling can show clearly. There are so many benefits and elements of business that you show here that we can address in our journals and truly make our practice profitable in more ways than one. I love the idea of dreaming and having a vision for our business. It’s important to know our purpose and reason for doing business so we have a plan and strategy for all we do. Journaling is the perfect medium to work in all of these elements.

    I have chosen your post, Purposeful Pathway Biz Tip: Business Journaling, for the #JournalChat Pick of the Day on 4/22/13 for all things journaling on Twitter; a link will be posted on the social networks, on my blog and website Refresh with Dawn Herring, and in my weekly Refresh Journal:

    #JournalChat Live is every Thursday, 5 EST/2 PST, for all things journaling on Twitter; our topic this week is Your Journaling: Golden Silence.

    I appreciate your business focus on journaling and what a difference in can make in our careers!

    Be refreshed,
    Dawn Herring
    Your Refreshment Specialist
    Host of #JournalChat Live and Links Edition on Twitter
    Author of The Birthday Wall: Create a Collage to Celebrate Your Child

    • amusico says:

      Always my pleasure to have Caroline share her insights here, Dawn.

    • Dawn, heartfelt thanks for sharing your encouragement, insights and wisdom!

      Journaling is a powerful tool for our businesses; as you expressed beautifully, the facets of our businesses weave into other areas of our lives as well. Journaling helps us to integrate gracefully and purposefully these various aspects of our living and our being.

      I am humbled and grateful that you chose my post for the #JournalChatPick! I look forward to following your Refresh Journal; I feel refreshed already!

      Thank you for sharing with me the joy the journaling…and for refreshing me with your support!

      God’s blessings and my gratitude,

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