We Shouldn’t Be Last

Dangerous DietAccording to this article by Dr. Mercola Americans are less healthy and die earlier than people in other developed nations. In fact in a comparison of 17 affluent nations we come in dead last!

How can that possibly be?

It seems impossible but in my opinion too many of us are more concerned with superficial things than providing the best food for health. I’ve had people much more willing to buy the latest video game for their children and balk at spending a little more on organic and higher quality food! Ladies will you shell out $150 on the latest anti-aging cream but cut corners on nutritious foods? And make no mistake, nutrition is the #1 influence on health followed by exercise and toxicity.

What’s the problem with putting all your focus on making money (which we all need to live – no argument there) and enjoying your life? Nothing – except working long hours or multiple jobs, eating any fast or packaged food on the run, neglecting to exercise and allowing all the toxins from the antibiotics, chemicals and hormones in those foods to build up in your body results in you getting old and sick well before your time.

The article goes into detail about the reasons so I won’t repeat them. The fact that our food supply is so compromised is what I consider the foundational problem. Nutrition – good, balanced meals prepared properly from nutrient-dense, real, whole foods – is the primary building block to living a long, healthy life. It isn’t the whole story, but it is the major piece of the puzzle. By buying organic, you can dramatically reduce your exposure to pesticides, hormones, artificial additives and antibiotics, such as those which are used on nearly all GE crops and in conventionally raised cattle.

That one step alone will go a long way to improving your health and longevity.

Are you willing to spend a little more to get the healthiest food you can? Do you think you and your family are worth the extra effort and money?

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About amusico

I am a holistic health coach and independent nutritional consultant. All my coaching plans are based on my 3-D Living program and a big part of that are the Youngevity Products and Supplements I proudly offer! Visit my website at http://www.threedimensionalvitality.com and learn more about the products and my coaching plans!
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14 Responses to We Shouldn’t Be Last

  1. Ann,

    I think we are deceived. Nutritious food isn’t always more expensive. Have you checked the price of a bag of chips? Some are over 4 dollars! And of course the good food will keep you healthier and cut costs on meds and doctor bills. Food should be seen as an investment.
    Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

    • amusico says:

      I agree wholeheartedly Marianne – but sadly people will spend $4 on a bag of chips but not $2 on a bag of potatoes.

      On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 11:00 AM, 3-D Vitality

  2. Matt Musico says:

    That statistic is appalling! I’m definitely willing to spend a little extra money to know we have the best quality food in the house.

  3. Organic food can be expensive; however, there are options even for low income families who want to eat healthier. You can join a CSA (community supported agriculture) group. Basically a group of families and individuals form a cooperative with a local farmer and they buy shares of whatever produce that farm produces during the growing season. We belong to a organic produce CSA and a 100% organic grass fed beef CSA where we split a cow with several other families. In the produce CSA we get a fresh produce delivery every week for 28 weeks with the exception of the week of July 4th and the week of Labor Day and it comes out to less than $100 per month. For the beef we get a delivery every 3-4 months and it is pretty reasonably priced also. Farmer’s markets are also great inexpensive sources of seasonal locally grown (if not organic) produce. You can go to http://www.localharvest.org to locate the nearest CSA or farmer’s market. Finally, you can also grow your own and it does not take a lot of land. There are even resources that can help you grow your own produce in urban areas. You just have to WANT to do it. Great article once again.

    • amusico says:

      Yes, Dr. Delain – where there’s a will there is most definitely a way. Local Harvest is a great resource. Thanks for your comments.

      On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 4:23 PM, 3-D Vitality

  4. I feel I’m doing well on a given week when the focus is on fruits and veggies vs. starch type foods. Going organic takes it another level for me, however our local coop group just started the Organic Boxes up again (a huge box of veggies/fruits for $55), which makes it very affordable. When I buy a huge box at one time, it makes me really want to eat it since I paid for it!

    My CK would rather me spend the money on video games, to be honest, but that is a 7 yr old talking! 🙂

  5. kbcrazy says:

    This is really appalling to me and I see that its just a matter of priority. I am so willing to spend more on food because in the long run I know its better for me! I’d rather eat nuts, vegies & fruit for a snack than chips and garbage foods any day! My coop organic boxes make it very affordable and one can even find organic at Walmart, so to me there is no excuse.

    • amusico says:

      Yes, I agree – there are many ways to get the best quality foods – so I agree, there is no excuse except apathy, ignorance and laziness. Thanks for reading and commenting!

      • At our local farmer’s market, they now except EBT so even the low income no longer have an excuse. The big thing I hear from many of my patients is that they feel intimidated by fresh produce and do not know what to do with it. I am working on changing that. I working on compiling a book of tips and recipes geared towards newbies in making the transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle.

      • amusico says:

        Dr. Delain that is awesome and a much needed resource. I will be interested to hear more about it when you complete it!

        On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:18 PM, 3-D Vitality

  6. Mike Fenton says:

    Unfortunately most people don’t know the extent of what buying organic versus not means to their health. Nor do they understand the health benefit of eating meat from cattle that has been “grass-fed”. We can control our own fate by watching what it is we eat and minimizing the amount of pesticide containing food. It is not if we can afford to eat “grass-fed” meats or organic vegetables, we cannot afford not to. With the state our health care system is in right now if the average person does not take control of their own health destiny the amount of money they WILL spend on health care insurance will be considerably more than the extra costs to eat healthy. So decide, pay now or pay later.

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